Review on the Concert of Denis Matsuev and Staatskapella Dresden Orchestra under baton of Christian Thielemann

With Russian soloist Denis Matsuev at the keyboard of a glorious sounding Steinway and Thielemann holding the baton I especially enjoyed the stormy feel and brisk tempo of the opening movement Adagio sostenuto assai which all combined to create remarkable drama. In my notebook I wrote a single word, ‘Phew!’ Throughout this commanding account I was immediately struck by the power and drama of the playing, it was real edge of the seat stuff. Matsuev’s pianism is remarkably strong, assured and often exhilarating. His dexterous playing never feels self-conscious and everything develops with a sense of unforced naturalness. This was a performance that certainly didn’t linger with brisk speeds that felt totally right. Thielemann and the Staatstkapelle come across as highly responsive partners and it all worked remarkably well.
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